Tammy Pearson, MA

Senior Associate Director

Center of Excellence for Recovery

Tammy Pearson, M.A., is the TCOM Director of the Marshall University Center of Excellence for Recovery, where she oversees multiple behavioral health initiatives related to Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) and Wraparound in WV. She is a licensed clinical psychologist and worked with WV’s System of Care for over 18 years, serving both as an Evaluator and later Program Director. Through this project, she worked statewide with mental health providers, juvenile justice, and the Department of Health and Human Resources. She has served on many statewide committees that serve children in the state of WV. She continues to work with the state on data collection and reporting and other projects. She also is the principal investigator of the Southwestern Regional Day Report Center Fresh Start Program-Bureau of Justice-Comprehensive Opioid Misuse Program, Principle investigator. This is a diversion program to keep individuals with substance use disorders from entering prison by providing therapy, education, and job training.

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