
Education, Training, and Technical Assistance

MU School-Based Mental Health Scholars Program

SAMHSA Mental Health Awareness Training for Communities

Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success Statewide Project Evaluation & Capacity Building

Strategic Prevention Framework Prescription Drug Statewide Project: Evaluation and Provider Education (SPF Rx)

Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) 

West Virginia Behavioral Health Workforce and Health Equity Training Center

West Virginia Peer Recovery Training Hub

West Virginia Wraparound and Mobile Response Training Center

Outreach, Clinical, and Supportive Services

Advancing Wellness and Resilience Education (AWARE) Project

Behavioral Health Outreach Project

Collegiate Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success (C-SPF-PFS) Initiative

Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC)

RCORP Medication Assisted Treatment Access

Regional Partnership Grants (RPG)

The Prevention Empowerment Partnership (PEP)

Supporting Children and Families in West Virginia: Foster Care, Kinship, and Adoptive Parents and Caregivers in West Virginia

Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM)

Trauma-Sensitive Workplace (TSW) 

West Virginia Collegiate Recovery Network (WVCRN)

West Virginia Intensive Clinical Care Coordination Team (WVICCC)

Applied Research/Evaluations

Bureau for Social Services Outcomes, Fidelity and Reports

Regional Partnership Grants (RPG)

Rural Communities Opioid Response Implementation (RCORP)

Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success Statewide Project Evaluation & Capacity Building

Strategic Prevention Framework Prescription Drug Statewide Project: Evaluation and Provider Education (SPF Rx)

Supporting Children and Families in West Virginia: Foster Care, Kinship, and Adoptive Parents and Caregivers in West Virginia

Transitional Age Youth Project (TAY)

Treatment, Recovery, and Workforce Support

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