Supporting Children and Families in West Virginia: Foster Care, Kinship, and Adoptive Parents and Caregivers in West Virginia
In 2023, Marshall University’s Center of Excellence for Recovery will again partner with the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Social Services (WVDHHR, BSS) to further refine and conduct a survey with foster, kinship, and adoptive parents and caregivers in the state. The purpose of this survey will be to examine experiences, supports, trainings, and services, as well as other strengths and needs of the parents and caregivers within the West Virginia (WV) child welfare system to discover opportunities to improve services to youth and families.
- Assessment – Foster Care Services in WV
- Population – Children and families involved in the Foster Care System.
- Counties Covered – Statewide
- Agency Partners – Bureau for Social Services


WV Foster Kinship and Adoptive Parent Survey Report