Strategic Prevention Framework Prescription Drug Statewide Project: Evaluation and Provider Education (SPF Rx)
The purpose of the SAMHSA-funded SPF Rx program is to enhance and expand infrastructure to address prescription drug misuse among youths aged 12-17 and adults aged 18 or older. SPF Rx is tasked with the prevention and reduction of prescription drug and illicit opioid misuse and Opioid Use Disorder through effective and evidence-based prevention strategies. The SPF Rx program is designed to raise awareness about the dangers of sharing medications and work with pharmaceutical and medical communities on the risks of overprescribing to youths and adults
The Center of Excellence for Recovery is contracted by the West Virginia Department of Health & Human Resources Bureau for Behavioral Health to provide evaluation, training and technical assistance for this grant.
Agency Partners for SPF Rx include the following: West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Bureaus for Behavioral Health (BBH), Children and Families (BCF), Marshall University faculty from Psychology, Pharmacology, Geography and Biomedical Science Departments.