Transitional Age Youth Project (TAY)

The Transitional Age Youth Project examines the experiences of transitional aged youth (TAY) using both quantitative and qualitative methods to provide a comprehensive view of the diverse pathways that lead to successful and less successful transitions to independent adulthood. A particular focus of this project examines the resources, supports, and infrastructure that are needed at critical transition points to reduce risky outcomes for youth that are transitioning out of foster care, juvenile detention or other placement facilities.

Our Team

  • Conducts program evaluations and applied research that drives the efforts to meet the needs of youth who are emerging into adulthood
  • Delivers creative learning sessions for younger people and the workforce who serve them
  • Executes best practice social marketing campaigns that change the perception of the population of impact
  • Identifies evidence-based peer support models and implements them


Kathy Paxton
Kathy Paxton
Project Director
Project Staff

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